When attempting to resolve an IPv6 address, either explicitly or by specifying an IPv6 address as the host address when establishing a connection, the method or function fails with an error indicating that the address is invalid. This occurs most commonly on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 systems, where the same address can be resolved successfully on a later version of Windows.
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To resolve an IPv6 address, a IPv6 stack must be installed on the system. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, you must install the appropriate operating system components and then configure your network adapter to use IPv6. Windows Vista and later versions have IPv6 installed by default as part of the base operating system configuration. However, if the administrator has removed or disabled the IPv6 configuration on the system, the same error will occur.
Internally, SocketTools uses the Windows Sockets getaddrinfo function to resolve an IPv6 address string into its binary form. If an IPv6 stack is not available, this function will fail with the error WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND. When this occurs, SocketTools will return an error indicating that the address was invalid.